Image to flag gif maker

Easily generate moving flag with our image to flag gif maker tool. Add your image to create moving flag animation.

Click to upload photo
Try opening heart locket GIF Maker

Creating a moving flag gif with our image to flag gif maker tool is easy. Follow these steps to create your own flag gif animation and to save in GIF format .

Step 1: Open our image to flag gif maker tool.

Open our Makesweet alternative flag gif maker tool by Erase BG:

Here's a demo result.

flag demo gif

Step 2: Add your photo to the flag gif maker

After opening the flag gif maker tool, click on the "Click to upload photo" button.

Add photo to flag gif maker

Step 3: Wait for processing of your moving flag gif

After you have added photo in the flag gif maker, wait for few second before it's ready to download.

Step 4: Save Your Gif

Your gif is ready for download . Click on the "Download GIF" button to download the gif.

Why use our image to flag gif maker

Our image to flag gif maker is simple to use and alternative to Makesweet flag gif maker tool. You can easily create customizable gif in seconds.

Resolution of flag animation gif

The resolution of your opening flag animation gif is 400 * 300 pixels in width and height. It is the perfect size for GIF images.

Bonus tips for your perfect image to flag gif

A image to flag gif maker works well with person and animal photos. It's look cute when flag moves in the air.


The Image To Flag Gif Maker tool makes easy to make a gif that looks cute and funny. It's simple and easy to use.

Making a flag animation is hard especially with person or animal photo is hard. You need a good photo and video editing skills. Every one don't have such skills.

Hence, creating a funny moving flag animation is easy with Image to Flag Gif Maker tool by Erase BG. With this tool, you can quickly and easily create multiple flag animation gifs.